I love kayaking.

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I think I will, too. I'm not big on "peaceful" right now. I'm too busy hitting the bike and exerting myself. But when the time comes I'll be paddling along...

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Love this! Am adventure with you.. .

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You’re so right about the history -- it was weirdly interesting yet somehow also bureaucratic as hell, like an interesting story that literally took a left turn at DC and became all about defense acquisition spreadsheets. Like if a drama was made up by Bartleby the Scrivener and then some editor added in the brothels at the last minute.

Despite that, it was a wonderful adventure! Thanks so much sharing the terror of kayaking with me -- I had actually been before but it had been years & there is that moment when you think “what the hell am I doing,” but your description of the REI teachers is spot-on, and I felt much better for doing this with a friend so that someone would be able to notify my loved ones when I drowned. That’s so cool about the indigo bunting -- we’ll have to go back again someday to find one, those are gorgeous.

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I wish I'd recorded all the history lessons of the area. But it felt sleazy, like turning his knowledge into content. It was a great trip, thanks again for suggesting it!

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Thomas Pluck

The fried food you guys get to eat! 🤩 I’m so jealous! ((the kayaking looks fun too)

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(The real reason for undertaking any kind of adventure. 😉 That and the company!)

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That reminds me, I need to research greasy spoons near the Farnham Colossi...

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That's why I share the food too. Something for everybody 😁

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1) 'But I guess “United Statesian” never caught on.' - I Mexico, the official term is "Estadoudidenses" but that's hard to say, so I usually describe myself as a Gringo, to the confusion/amusement of locals.

2) You mean you never really canoed through the Atchafalaya swamp? That *almost*makes me suspect that "The Boy From County Hell" was just...FICTION!!! 🤪

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I drove over the bridge that plays a big part. And I've taken a swamp tour from Henderson. McGee's Landing really does serve good alligator bites, the leg meat is the best. Oh, and the Bowie knife that Jay ends up with is in my collection. The sanctuary of there is based on a historical safe haven used in antebellum times. It may still exist...

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Jun 4, 2023·edited Jun 4, 2023Liked by Thomas Pluck

All writers need to be able to draw from their experience, but the idea that it's the ONLY legitimate source of inspiration - that imagination is a form of appropriation - is one of their weirdest trends in literary criticism.

IIRC, Tolstoy didn't fight in the Napoleonic wars, John Kennedy Toole may not have ever pushed a hot dog cart...and I was SHOCKED to learn Ursula LeGuin never even WENT to Earthsea!

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