
I guess I think people are neither good nor bad but complex -- they reflect their experiences and environment as well as their personalities. It’s why I liked The Good Place so much (and probably why I keep re-watching it) -- people being good because they’re placed in environments that encourage or maybe just allow them to be good (or bad), that’s exactly what I think happens.

I agree that immersion in a fear media is startlingly destructive, changing actual political reality (negatively) even as it depicts a hellscape that doesn’t exist.

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I need to watch that series again. I really liked it. And like you said, it makes you think.

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Will definitely listen to the podcast ... there is something so key about wonder & awe. Like the secret to getting out of a bad situation & into a good one.

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May 28, 2023Liked by Thomas Pluck

Not buying.... No matter how cynical I get when I'm tired and grouchy. I do believe in my heart of hearts that people are good, for the most part. And I love what you told Alyssa about being kind. I've told her and Alex the same thing. I'm so happy you are a part of their lives.

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I'm happy to be there. And I'm glad you don't let the bastards make you cynical. That's what they want. I'll be nice... Until it's time to not be nice, as Patrick Swayze said in Road House. Anyone who mistakes my kindness for weakness will never make that mistake again.

It takes many years to learn that fear is the root of so many emotions. Anger being one... It's a defense mechanism. It's why so many men get angry and shout. Like a scared dog barking.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Thomas Pluck

All true

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