I ventured out to Bray Road once when I was working in Milwaukee. My band has a song called "The Beast of Bray Road" on our first record, and when you open the CD jacket the facing photograph is of Bray Road. I went stomping around looking for signs of Bigfoot with Linda Godfrey (who wrote the BoBR book) on another trip. I love that area!

The biggest disappointment that first trip was that I wound up in Lake Geneva, home of the late, great Gary Gygax, and learned there's no towering monument to him anywhere.

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I've got one of Godfreys books staring at me from a shelf. And that's a shame about Gygax. No giant 20 sided die? What the hell?

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You probably don’t have time for this, but I just finished reading/commenting here, and was scrolling down my other newsletters and ran across this castle of cheese in Wisconsin with a cow that spouts cheese facts and if that’s not worth a side trip if you have any extra time at all, I don’t know what is: https://www.brokenpalate.com/p/wisconsin-has-a-palace-of-cheese

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Unfortunately I'm not going to have to have much free time after Monday afternoon, so I'm confining my adventures to Madison.

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This cheese palace, like so many cheese palaces before it, will have to remain a cheese palace of the mind then. Have a great trip!

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I know a woman named Mara who has been to the Cheese Palace. Her brother is a graphic designer and gave her an image with the sign perfectly remade to say, "Mara's Cheese Palace."

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I want to take a road trip to House on the Rock anyway, that's Cheese Palace time

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I just looked up House on the Rock and Holy Bejezus. Is it possible for one human trip to contain both that and a cheese palace? Only the bravest would attempt it. You’ll have to report back if you (and Sarah?) ever give it a go.

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That will be premium content™

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I dunno, I think an essay on that album would be pretty awesome. The dance move -- also awesome but if Leo is already wearing a look of terror I guess it doesn’t bode well for the rest of us. I had to go look up the Lenni-Lenape and I’m glad I did. Oh, and cheese-curd-a-palooza sounds amazing, can’t wait to read all about it & envy your tastebuds from afar.

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