That bluebird! 😍

The tree swallows here are going nuts. I'm trying to find time to put up more nesting boxes because we don't have enough but I think I'll be too late. I love watching their busy lives.

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Gussie Finknottle!

P.G. Wodehouse FTW !!


(I also just recently discovered Harry Crews a couple of months ago. So far, I only know "The Gospel Singer", but that was very impressive indeed)

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Appreciate the shout-out. And loved this:

"Harry Crews is a writer I admire, because he refused classification, and wrote about everything from towns with snake-culling festivals to bodybuilders, martial artists, and a boy who eats a car, piece by piece, on national television."

I got into Crews in grad school, and read all of the novels you mention here, plus his memoir. Feast of Snakes is still one of the most messed-up novels I've ever read. Good times.

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I don't know if this helps, but here's a counter finger-flip from Wisconsin. When Christine & I moved here we were amazed and a little freaked out by all the drivers who have the right of way but will stop to let a pedestrian cross the road. It's kind of un-nerving. Not every driver, but a hell of a lot of them. Anyhow, usually jog across the road as quick as I can while flashing the peace sign at the paused driver.

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