
Sorry, I read this ages ago, branched out to read the article on the painter, and got swept away by her story. Even now that I've read it, it's still hard to fully imagine her life. Her perseverance to create in *such* a boy's club, and to get raped, and to keep going & make great art -- only for it to be covered up later -- is incredible. I'll be so curious what y'all think of the exhibit.

Thanks for the Newark tips -- I love places that have managed to keep their mom-and-pops -- as well as the tip on how to deal with the devil. You truly never know when that will come in handy.

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I hope to see an exhibit of Gentileschi's work sometime. Newark ain't so bad; I was just there, staying nearby in Harrison, a skip over a river from Ironbound. I drove around a bit, it was too cold for much walking, but I'll be back. I need to go to Krug's Tavern for a burger.

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I mean, who *doesn’t* need to go to Krug’s Tavern for a burger, sounds like.

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Love The Ironbound in Newark!

I've only been once, but enjoyed a great meal that was also a great bargain, and popped into the many Portuguese and Brazilian shops. I was *so* tempted to buy a giant slab of bacalao, despite knowing full well I don't actually like seafood 😂

Definitely need to get pay another visit when the weather's nicer.

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Oh you have to go, it's right off the PATH in Newark! Taste of Portugal is my go-to sitdown restaurant there. It's in Bad Boy Boogie, too.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Thomas Pluck

Enjoyed this

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